Saturday 3 August 2013


okay..been so long have I not update my shitty blog.
Now is Raya. and today's the first day of raya (i include the first weekend)
before i start typing these, takes me a while to think of what to write.
thinking about blog, reminds me of someone's blog.
of course the person that i liked.
then from there... i decided what to write about.

童话, means fairy tale in Chinese. almost all fairy tale (i think all) have happy endings where the.... girl and..the boy (perhaps a prince) would be together forever after. 

well, she used to believe in such thing, until that day..... well... 'D' Day... whatsoever.... 

She stated that 'Happy Endings' does not exist. because after happy ending in the story, when the prince married the girl (a princess) ,they will still in the end face problems in the future.
I believe in that because in life, god, our teacher, will always give us challenges until the day we perish. And from there it is up to the prince and princess to face it. 

But, there's one thing that is missing from there. Let's talk about.... Cinderella (great childhood you have if you don't know her).In the end she gets together with the prince and the end , happy ending. But challenges will come in their future right? 


There's a reason behind happy endings( in fairy tales). 

They of course face problems in the future. But the thing is that, even though there's challenges in their future, they solve them without having their relationship destroyed. Solve problems without having suicidal. They face their challenges together until the day they die happily. 

That is the real reason of Happy Endings in Fairy Tale.So basically Happy endings exists in fairy tales, when both of them solve their problems together.

Now, let's talk about real life happy endings.

In fairy tale, we know when happy ending will happen. But in real life, there's only one point of happy ending.
The moment when you want it to happen.

Why so? Cause as what she mentioned, 'they will in the end face trouble in the future'. As now talking about real life fact, Happy Ending, can start whenever you want.Any time any where.

Why so? 

As i mentioned in ft (fairy tale), they have happy ending, but they will still face challenges in their future.They face the challenges together until the end.

Now compare it with our life. in ft, happy ending only happens when the writer wants them to have. But in real life, we have no one writing our life script. Means, we can start our happy ending anytime. It's just that, whenever we start to face challenges without having complains, despairs or agony, we can solve them without having a change to our feelings and surrounding. Feeling doesn't change, which means happiness is still there. Surroundings doesn't change, which means no divorce and hatred happenS. Isn't it like, life's story remains the same? Still happy and together? If you start being happy at that moment until the end, isn't it counted as happy ending? Since you happiness is dragged till the end?

You can start you happy ending anytime. But when you start, you may not notice it. You may only notice it when you are going to die. Why? Because in future surely there will be more challenges right? 

But if you promise yourself to remain the same (remains happy) after facing your future challenges, you can start believing yourself to have happy ending already.

Now let's see how to know if you had a happy ending. 

Before death, see your past and decide. Simple.

Now to summarize everything.
  • Happy endings does exist in both Real Life and Fairy Tale.
  • Happy ending is the point where someone/couple starts working together to solve their problems without changing their friendship/relationship/feelings
  • Happy ending in Real Life can happen anytime, it's just up to you when to start.
  • Happy ending cannot be noticed by yourself until the moment when challenges stop coming, the moment when you are going to die.( so before you die, run through your past memories and decide if you are happy with it or not)
I'm so bored....

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