Thursday, 23 January 2014

Determination of Endings

2 days from now it is. So once I get the result, the blog will change it's name. Currently's 'Determination of Endings'. So possible endings are:

Dark Dawn- If she rejects. Dark of course refers to sadness and Dawn means beginning. So, bad beginning.

Cherry Blossom' Dream- If she accepts. It's 'Cherry Blossom' since it's Spring in some country? It may or not last long, if not, means I'll wake up from the 'Dream', if yes? I'll continue the dream until to the very end. I wonder what's the real meaning of 'Cherry Blossom's Dream'. I hope it has good meaning in it o___o

New Dawn-  The ending if I were to wake up from my dream due to an acceptable reason. New dawn? New story with no bad memories from the past.

Foul Past-  The ending if I were to wake up from my dream due to an unacceptable reason. The memory I have with her will be categorized as 'Regret'.

Tomorrow's a big day , I hope I can do well in my Chemistry test and get good result for my IGCSE.

And the day after tomorrow? I hope..... I can get into my Cherry's Blossom Dream.

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